now for a challenge. As you guys know, I kike to take a bad movie and
find good things about it. Since it’s Christmas, I knew the perfect
choice for this. The problem? I really hate this one. But can I find
five positives anyway? Let’s discuss:
I heard Tim Allen say that he was going to make this on The Tonight
Show and my reaction was, what the heck is the plot going to be? Twelve
years after the first movie, we got this unnecessary sequel, The second
movie managed a premise that made sense. Enough sense anyway. This one
was pushing things but to be honest, I was in on the premise. It sounded
like a neat idea. Santa gets disgruntled and wonders if he should have
ever become Santa at all. Ok, not original but it had promise. It
didn’t work out quite that way,
The Sets

With the stupid Canada joke we get a good look at the sets for the
north pole here,and they are very well done. Of course the Hall of Snow
Globes is amazing, and they did a real good job changing the set in the
alternate tine lime so that it almost doesn’t even look like the same