Season 6, Episode 6
Frank Goes Downstairs

Plot Summary-After lying about why Ray and Debra fell off the bed, Frank ends up in the hospital trying to fix their stairs.
Nitpick of the episode-Course, no way in real life Frank would have experienced a fall like that and come away with just a few bruised ribs.
Best Line-“I thought what they had you on was marvelous. I’m going to call Mexico to try and get some for the house”…Marie
Episode Fun Fact –
Deleted Scenes-tag was longer, Frank remember Rays story after all
Syndication Edit-
Best Character-Frank, even drugged up he’s funny. And the scene where he falls through the stairs was brilliantly staged.
Worst Character-Ray, sigh. Really? Bragging to your friends about the fact you fell onto your wife during sex and injured yourself? How old again??? And I love how after he falls off the bed, on to Debra, he wants to keep going even though she hurt herself. What is up with this guy?
Final Thoughts-A few seasons ago we saw that Ray gets uncomfortable talking about sex with his father. This is the episode that really explores that. I also like yet another misdirection, it starts out as another Ray wanting sex story but turns into a Frank episode by the end. Frank also reveals, while medicated, that he liked it when Ray moved next door so they can be pals. This is something of course Frank would never admit had he not been pumped full of drugs. This episode is ok but aside from the very clever stunt where Frank falls through the stairs there’s nothing to remarkable.