Today I wanted to talk about some of the more annoying one’s, the ear worms we wish would go away…but they never do! Here are ten examples, some are more general and others are more just me (I think). This list is in no specific order.
10.Mickey by Toni Basil
Todd in the Shadows just reminded me of this, and it’s a good one. Toni Basil’s song is pretty silly and stupid..but try to forget it, I dare you!
9.Sweet Nightingale from Cinderella/Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from Mary Poppins
So I decided to make this a tie because these are both short songs that found a way to be memorable as hell. Even if we don’t remember them as much as adults. Though I swear the first one was just in my head the other day. The scene in Cinderella has yhe stepsisters screeching the song, and then it blends into a beautiful version Cinderella is singing. It’s the screeching version I find harder to forget. As for Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, do I really need to explain that one?
8.Meow Mix
Wanted at least one ad, and this one is perfect. Maybe just me, but that’s another story. It’s such a simple concept but the ads is one you will never get out of your head.
I had to bring this one up, how could I not? Even though to be fair this was never a problem I personally had. But that’s because I never watched the show, I was to old. But from what I understand the people who did will simply never forget.
6.Willy Wonka’s Welcome Song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
This is….what the hell is this? I really have no idea what to make of it, it is so corny and sugary sweet it will give you cavities! I have no idea what he idea was, but it is definitely unforgettable. My favorite part is the soccer mom, her reaction is perfect.
5.Back to the Future Main Theme
This is one that may be more just me, but when you’ve seen this movie as many time as I have I guess this problem is inevitable. I once had this theme blasting in my head for two straight weeks! To be fair it is a fantastic movie score, one of the best ever, and it’s no surprise I love it so much. I just wish it would go away!
4.Mmm Bopp by Hanson
Mickey was the annoying song of the 80’s no one could forget, and Hanson was nice enough to give the 90’s equivalent. What the hell are they singing about anyway??
3.It’s a Small World After All
If there is one that is common to pretty much everyone on the planet, I think this is it! This isn’t from a TV show or movie, it’s from Disney World (or Disneyland). To be honest, I love the Small World ride in Disney. It’s one of my favorites, and if you got to Disney you simply have to ride. But that song…it will never leave!
2.McDonald’s Filet of Fish
Believe it or not, finding an example from the world of advertising wasn’t easy. Not because they’re so rare, but because they are so common! The whole point of a good jingle is to stay in your head and make sure you never forget it. But without a doubt one of the most memorable ads was from McDonald’s, everyone who heard this had it stuck in there head for says. Annoying or brilliant? You make the call.
1.Family Feud
I wanted a TV show for this final spot, but finding just one is pretty darn hard. But I finally settled on this one. I just adored this show as a much so that the theme was usually playing in my head pretty much all the time. What about The Price is Right? Yeah that was a good one but Family Feud was definitely the worst ear worm between the two, for me.
So what about you guys? Any annoying music you can’t get our of your head? Comment and share. I get the feeling a second list may be coming, there are justs omany of these! I could do a while list just on Sesame Street alone!
The real question is now that I have heard all of these, which one will be blaring in my head all day tomorrow?