am not a sports nut. I have a passing interest infootball. Basketball
and hockey I can do without. And I find golf and NASCAR to be
incredibly boring (yes, Isaid it. I find NASCAR to be a giant bore). But
there is one exception and thatis what I want to talk about today.

have loved The Boston Red Sox for as long as I can remember. I don’t
remember much from back in the early 80’s, but I do remember playing
with a handheld baseball game and I knew the starting lineup of the team
even then. I even remember liking Yaz and he retired in 1982! I wish I
hada great “my first day at a ballpark” story but I don’t remember the
first time I saw a game live. Before anyone asks, yes I played little
league and I sucked.Now let me clarify, I am not an obsessive fan. I
don’t watch every second of every game. I don’t keep track of every stat
or obsess about the standings. I will accept if the Sox are playing
horribly. But I am not a fair weather fan either, I watch in good times
and bad.