February 27, 2013

Analytical Episode Guide-Friends (Season 4, Part 4)

Analytical Episode Guide:
Season 4, Part 4

Season 4, Episode 19
The One with the Haste
Plot Summary-Monica and Rachel demand their apartment back from the guys; Ross wants Emily to stay and ends up proposing

Funniest Line-“So get a job here! I'm always hearing about foreigners moving in andstealing American jobs. That could be you!”….Ross

Nitpickof the episode-I always liked how this time Phoebe is involved with the game and Ross is nowhere to be seen. In many ways this episode is like a “what if the one with the Embryo’s had featured Phoebe rather than Ross as the neutralparty".  Rachel’s hatred of the guys place is ironic since she will live there later in the series.
Standout Character-Rachel, when Ross makes his annoucement you can see what she is feeling right on her face
SyndicationEdit-The game is longer

Final Thoughts-Can a bland episode be fantastic? I guess so because that’s what we get here.  It just ends the arc about the apartment switch and sets up the remainder of the season with Ross engaged to Emily. However the scenes involving the apartment stuff is really funny. The best of all of course at the end. That moment when Chandler and Joey enter their apartment, fully restored, is just great. Then the payoff at the end with Rachel and Monica thanking them is equally hilarious. Just a fantastic series of events, followed by that heartbreaking scene where Rachel finds out Ross isengaged to Emily.

Grade=B+mostly just for the last five minutes (the gag with the Santa pants is lame)

February 25, 2013

Analytical Episode Guide-Friends (Season 4, Part 3)

Analytical Episode Guide
Season 4, Part 3

Season 4, Episode 13
The One with Rachel’s Crush
Plot Summary-Chandler isn’t happy with Kathy’s new role, Rachel has an attractivenew customer, Monica fights to once again be the hostess of the group.

Funniest Line-“It's like someone literallywrote down my worst nightmare…and then charged me $32 to see it! – Chandler  (one of my favorite Chandler lines which is cut in the syndicated episode)

Nitpick of the episode-Why???? Why go through all of that drama introducing us to Kathy, having Chandler fall for her, getting them together----just to have the relationship end just a few episodes later! I mean, really? I could forgive them ending the relationship but did it have to be so fast and for such a dumb reason??

Standout Character-Chandler, poor guy will he ever get a break?

Syndication Edit-Monica explaining why she made a big deal about the guys hosting now only to change her mind

Final Thoughts-I decided not to make it my funniest line but there is no way I couldf orget to mention that Joey’s classic “How you doin?” is introduced here. As for the episode, as infuriating as the breakup is I have to say it is handled well. You gotta feel bad for Chandler, and thankfully this would be the last woman to break his heart. I could complain how superficial Rachel is here but since this would come up again I guess it fits her character. I will have harsher words for her later, but in this episode she is ok. And as for Monica….sigh! Another boring story for her but believe it or not, and it gets worst a few episodes later! The best part of the episode is the end when the “we were on a break” thing is resurrected in one of the best closing scenes of any episode.


February 23, 2013

Five Overrated Academy Award Nominees and/or Winners IMO

This Sunday is the Academy Awards once again, where Hollywood honors itself and the amazing films which came out in the last year. The Oscar's are always the subject of heated discussion. Sometimes people talk about the host, sometimes they talk abouit the fashion,and others discuss the nominees and in many cases Why? Where certain perople nominated when they clear don't deserve it? sometimes you have to wonder what the academy is thinking with the nominations. Sometimes a personwill get nominated, or even worst win, and it just leaves people scratching their heads. So here are five nominees who were overrated in my opinion, and in some cases they even won!

I decided not to make this a “top” 5 because this is highly subjective. I am sure people will disagree with me and think some belong on here more than others. As always, this is just my opinion. So here are five Academy Award nominees and/or winners I just don't get!

#5 Working Girl (Best Picture)

February 20, 2013

Analytical Episode Guide-Friends (Season 4, Part 2)

Analytical Episode Guide
Season 4, Part 2

Season 4, Episode 7
The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line
Plot Summary-Kathy and Chandler reveal their feelings; Ross’s keyboard playing is kind of odd

Funniest Line-“Over the line? You are so far past the line you can't even see the line! The line is a dot to you.”….Joey

Nitpick of the episode-Ross is moving more into dufus mode, he really can’t tell that what he is playing is not music?

Standout Character-Chandler, it’s really his episode

Syndication Edit-An entire subplot with Rachel enjoying spending time by herself

Final Thoughts-Amazing how an episode can be powerful and empty at the same time.Aside from the Joey and Chandler stuff, nothing really happens here. Ross’s keyboard story is funny at first but gets old. The final scene between Chandler and Joey is very well done, and makes up for a lackluster episode. There was a Rachel story which can only be seen on the DVD, and it deserves to be cut the story is really boring. For some reason this show always had trouble with two parters,they just never know how to give the other characters something to do thatisn’t just filling the time. It’s Chandler’s show and to be honest, he has much better chemistry with Kathy than Joey does.


February 19, 2013

Look at Sitcom Cliches-Top 5 Most Annoying Cliches

I have talked a lot about story cliché’s, those stories which pop up in every sitcom. For instance how every show has to do at least one bowling episode like it’s some kind of rule or how every sitcom has one annoying neighbor who drops in without invite.

But what about those little clichés which are not plot related, but seem to appear again and again in sitcoms? Here are the five most annoying to me. 

#5. To Be Continued

I always loved the Seinfeld bit about how annoying it iswhen you can sense the To Be Continued coming. We all know that feeling, that there is no way that the story can be wrapped up in the time allowed.  In my day, being as old as I am, very often we didn’t see that coming and it was annoying. In fact in another article I willtalk about a “To Be Continued” which was nearly traumatic! But that is another article…………

February 18, 2013

Analytical Episode Guide-Friends (Season 4, Part 1)

Analytical Episode Guide:
Season 4, Part 1

So as I noted Season 3 did not end on a high note for me. So there was some concern that maybe the show was fading. So what did Season 4 bring? Let's check it out!

Season 4, Episode 1
The One with the Jellyfish
Plot Summary-Monica gets stung by a jellyfish and Chandler has to help in an odd way, Phoebe confronts her birth mother, and Rachel expects Ross to take full responsibility for their breakup

Funniest Line-“That's right, I stepped up! She's my friend and she needed help. If I had to, I'd pee on anyone of you.”….Joey

Nitpick of the episode-Full responsibility?? Are you crazy Rachel? I love her but she is way out of line with that demand. Of course Rachel played a part in their breakup! I mean really, she doesn’t think she made any mistakes??

Standout Character-Ross, totally believable in his anger here

Syndication Edit-Joey recaps the previous season ender; Monica, Chandler, and Joeyuncomfortable

Final Thoughts-This is a great episode and strong way to start the season. It seems clear to me that the creators had a change of heart over the break. Thecliffhanger doesn’t  even really match as we see Ross walk in to find Bonniewith Rachel. Good to see Phoebe make peace with her mom, but why does she onlyappear one more time? As for the jellyfish story, yeah it’s gross but makes forbig laughs and, believe it or not, even a bit of character development. That final scene between Ross and Rachel is one of the strongest of the series,capped off by a fantastically delivered line by Chandler.


February 17, 2013

The Awful TV Version of Ferris Bueller

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off was one of my favorite 80’s movies.Starring Matthew Broderick it was fun romp and the only John Hughes productionI really loved. But that movie had a special something, it would be insane forsomeone to try to make a sitcom out of it….right?

Well someone did and in 1990 we had Ferris Bueller starring the annoying Charlie Schlatter. To say that this guy was no replacement for Matthew Broderick would be an understatement. The show barely lasted half aseason before it quietly disappeared. So what was the premise?

February 13, 2013

Analytical Episode Guide-Friends (Season 3, Part 4)

Analytical Episode Guide:
Season 3, Part 4

Season 3, Episode 20
The One with the Dollhouse

Plot mmary-Rachel regrets making a date for Chandler with her boss, Joey’sinterest in Kate intensifies, Monica’s and Phoebe compete over dollhouses.

Funniest Line-“Hey, I'm not interested in her sweater, alright? It's what underneath her sweater that counts.”….Joey

Nitpickof the episode-Ok, I am no girl and obviously have never had a dollhouse but what is the point of having one if all you’re going to do is make it pretty? At least Phoebe has a little imagination.

Standout Character-Joey because, like Phoebe says, it’s great to see him feeling sostrongly about Kate. It’s the first sign there is more to him than being a womanizer

Syndication Edit-scene extensions

Final Thoughts-Phoebe’s dollhouse was a cute moment. And that was about all the cute moments in this one. It isn’t a bad episode per se, some of the stuff with Rachel and Chandler were funny. The dollhouse story is so dry they had to stretch to make it fit an entire episode, and what was Monica’s story turnsinto Phoebe’s. And there is never any resolution to what happened with Monica’shouse, did she ever let Phoebe play with it? Joey‘s story picks up from thelast episode and this is clearly just a continuing of this annoying arc. We do get a little insight into Chandler and finally meet Joanna. Why is she so mean to Sofie? Not much to say on this one, it’s decent but not great.


February 12, 2013

Random Thoughts-TV Land

Just a quick rant today. This is something that has bothered me for a long time and I have finally decided to rant about it. Not much else to do with my hand messed up from surgery yesterday.

I am sure we all know TV Land. It's a Nick @ Nite spin-off which shows classic sitcoms 24 hours a day. It also shows original programs but that is not my focus here. Now you might imagine knowing how much I love sitcoms that this channel would be like heaven. Actually I hate the channel and avoid it. Why? BECAUSE THEY CHOP UP THE EPISODES AND INSERT COMMERCIALS WHEREVER THEY WANT!

OK, to be fair there are worst things and I do still watch once in awhile. BUT WHY???? Why chop these shows up like this? Now of we all know when a show is syndicated they add ad breaks which trim about a minute. And true it's not unusual for re-runs to include an extra break, take Friends as a good example (when on another station) which always has an extra break in the episode somewhere. But the commercials always come in during transitions so it doesn't take away from the flow of the scene. TV Land will flat out stop a scene to jam ads in! Not only that but they do it twice, while of course keeping the intended break in. Why do we need a million ads on a cable channel? This has the

February 11, 2013

Analytical Episode Guide-Friends (Season 3, Part 3)

Analytical Episode Guide
Season 3, Part 3

Season 3, Episode 14
The One with the Phoebe’s Ex-Partner

Plot Summary-Phoebe is reunited with her old singing partner, Chandler dates a woman with a prosthetic leg; Rachel’s new job continues to strain her relationship with Ross.

Funniest Line-“Oh, my God! Joey, what did you do after you threw her leg on the fire?”….Monica

Nitpick of the episode-This is where I start to lose my sympathy for Rachel. I realize the new job is exciting and of course she can be friends with Mark, but girl give your boyfriend a break! It gets much worst unfortunately.

Standout Character-Ross, I already explained why

Syndication Edit-Joey’s story was a bit longer and the follow up scene with Chandler

Final Thoughts-Phoebe’s story is interesting but it also felt like they wanted to get rid of smelly cat like it was some kind of story arc. And the end seems a little to mean that her friend would screw her over like that. I really don’t know what to think of the Chandler/Joey story. What Joey did was reprehensible, and how shallow is the girl that she runs from a third nipple? YOU HAVE NO LEG! I already talked about the Ross/Rachel story and as I said, it’s here I am moreon Ross’s side than Rachel’s.

Grade=B-,the ick factor is a little too high

February 10, 2013

Analytical Episode Guide-Friends (Season 3, Part 3)

Analytical Episode Guide
Season 3, Part 3

Season 3, Episode 14
The One with the Phoebe’s Ex-Partner

Plot Summary-Phoebe is reunited with her old singing partner, Chandler dates a woman with a prosthetic leg; Rachel’s new job continues to strain her relationship with Ross.

Funniest Line-“Oh, my God! Joey, what did you do after you threw her leg on the fire?”….Monica

Nitpick of the episode-This is where I start to lose my sympathy for Rachel. I realize the new job is exciting and of course she can be friends with Mark, but girl give your boyfriend a break! It gets much worst unfortunately.

Standout Character-Ross, I already explained why

Syndication Edit-Joey’s story was a bit longer and the follow up scene with Chandler

Final Thoughts-Phoebe’s story is interesting but it also felt like they wanted to get rid of smelly cat like it was some kind of story arc. And the end seems a little to mean that her friend would screw her over like that. I really don’t know what to think of the Chandler/Joey story. What Joey did was reprehensible, and how shallow is the girl that she runs from a third nipple? YOU HAVE NO LEG! I already talked about the Ross/Rachel story and as I said, it’s here I am moreon Ross’s side than Rachel’s.

Grade=B-,the ick factor is a little too high

February 6, 2013

Analytical Episode Guide-Friends (Season 3, Part 2)

Analytical Episode Guide:

 Season 3, Part 2

Season 3, Episode 8
The One with the Giant Poking Device

Plot Summary-Joey tells Chandler he caught Janice kissing her ex. Phoebe refuses to go the dentist, and Monica bumps Ben in the head.

Funniest Line-“I got a science question. If the homo sapiens were in fact, HOMOsapiens…is that why they’re extinct?”….Joey

Nitpickof the episode-I don’t know, anyone else find the “Monica bang” thing a bit contrived?

Standout Character-Chandler, no question in this one you truly feel his pain

Syndication Edit-Ross’s teasing of Monica in the end was longer, Monica trying to reason with Ben to not mention the banging incident

Final Thoughts-This episode realty feels like they took three separate stories and just mashed them up. First, Chandler is fantastic in this episode. That scenewhere he is playing darts while talking about how upset he is was really great. Matthew Perry is an underappreciated actor. The story about Ben hitting his head seems so removed I forgot it was even part of this episode. The ending with Ross teasing Monica is funny. Phoebe’s story would only work with Phoebe, and the whole ugly naked guy thing is just a means to give the others something to do so Chandler and Janice can officially end their relationship. I like howJoey bounces around the stories here and does it very well. I am not upset to see Janice go, that had run its course and was no longer interesting, Glad she would come back a few more times though.


February 5, 2013

Top 5 Favorite TV Villains

Where would some of our favorite TV shows be without the villains? On sitcoms we call them "characters we love to hate", but in action and drama there is no hiding it. They are villains. They are out only for themselves with no regard for who they step on along the way. Here now are five of my favorite TV villains. You will notice they all have one thing in common, charm.

#5. Boss Hogg (The Dukes of Hazard)

Before someone says it, yes Roscoe was probably more fun but he wasn't really evil I think he was just a pushover. Boss Hogg was one of the most enjoyable villain's ever I think. When I was a kid I watched Dukes for the car chases and Daisy Duke, but you had to love Boss Hog. He was greedy, unethical, and was always chomping on his cigars. Sorrell Booke did such a great job with the character that he almost stole the show. If Boss Hogg were a character on Star Trek he would have been Quark, just a greedy guywho would do anything for profit even if it was illegal. Deep down he probablywasn't a bad guy, his lust for greed just took over. He hates the Dukes becausethey are always getting in the way of his schemes, and his scenes with Roscoeon that show were some of the funniest.

February 4, 2013

Analytical Episode Guide-Friends (Season 3, Part 1)

 Analytical Episode Guide:
Season 3, Part 1

Season 3, Episode 1
The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy
Plot Summary-Ross reveals a secret fantasy to Rachel, Monica suffers from insomnia since her breakup; Chandler wants Joey to get along with Janice

Funniest Line-“Oh yeah, I always picture your Mom when I'm having sex”….Joey

Nitpick of the episode-It is kind of hard to believe Chandler suddenly loves Janice after the last two seasons of hating her. Even more hard to believe knowing that he will hate her again later on. What was up with the attraction here?

Standout Character-Chandler, how good do you have to be to have so little to do in an episode and then steal the show in the end?

Syndication Edit-The opening teaser had the gang walk into Central Perk only to find a group already sitting on the couch. They proceed to simply turn around and walkout.  Joey and Chandler’s talk was a bit longer.

FinalThoughts-Was very happy to see them have Monica sad in this episode, because in a lot of sitcoms the character will break up with someone and be just fine the next show. It doesn’t work that way in real life, it takes time to get oversomething like that and I give credit to the creators for realizing that. The Ross and Rachel story was ok, you could already get the feeling the writers were getting bored having them together (and there is a mention of the zerox girl so you can imagine the writers already knew where they were going). Thereis a simple reason you don’t often see happy couples in shows, because it makesfor more conflict if they are not together which will be proven later on inthis season. No complaints about Chandler and Joey’s story either, and Janicestarts to become very likable in this episode. The scene with Monica and her father was real sweet.

Grade=A-,nice way to start the season

February 2, 2013


There was a time people heard “Groundhog Day” and thought ofa little animal poking his head out of a hole to see his shadow on the second day of February. Then 20 years ago a hit comedy came out, and turned “Groundhog Day” into a common phrase to describe déjà vu forever after!  This is something that amazes me and since this is Groundhog Day it seemed like the perfect opportunity to talk about it.

For those who don't know I am referring to the 1993 comedy starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowall. The basic plot is that Bill Murray is Phil Connors, a weather forecaster who gets stuck repeating the same day overand over. Which day? Groundhog Day!!