March 10, 2024

Sitcom Episode Face-Off:Happy Days vs Punky Brewster

Hello my friends, welcome back as I take two episodes of different series with the same plot and see which did it better. I haven't done one in awhile because after doing a few I couldn't decide on any other good matches. But then I was thinking of these for a famous scenes article and realized they are so damn similar, why not match them up? So here we go. Today let's talk about two very light shows which managed to get serious at times. In this case it involves characters getting into serious accidents (both offscreen of course).


So let's go over "RICHIE ALMOST DIES" (subtle) from Happy Days season 5 episode 18 and Punky Brewster "I Love You, Brandon" from season 1 episode 18. Yeah I didn't make a mistake they were both Episode 18, weird. Oh and by the way I had to change the categories a bit for this.


Happy Days-Richie has an accident riding on a motorcycle and almost dies.

Punky-After being yelled at for easting some of Henry's stamps, Brandon is hit by a car and almost dies. 

VERDCT-Happy Days is more likely to get a viewer's attention, and as we'll discuss the accident is a bit more forced. 


ROUND 2:Act 1

Happy Days:We open at Fonzie's garage where the gang is talking about an engine. Lori Beth walks in and reveals that Richie just bought his own motorcycle. He arrives and shows it off. Fonzi approves and tries to show Richie how to ride it. Proving Richie has no idea what he's doing. At the house Richie tells his parents about the motorcycle, of course they don't approve.  If you know Marion you can imagine how she takes the news. Howard forbids it ut Richie decides he doesn't care. Fonzie tries to assure them that the bike is safe. Back at the garage the gang is discussing a car they are working on when Lori Beth runs in. I could have sworn we saw Richie leave with her first, maybe I was watching a syndicated version? Anyway the point is Lori Beth runs in all injured and says they had an accident and Richie is laying in the street and is not moving! Everyone rushes to help him as we end the first part.

Punky:The episode begins with the kids making a really lame dog house for Brandon. Heny then brings the kids in to show them his new purchase. Very old and valuable stamps. The kids are unimpressed. When Mrs.Johnson complains about a tenant (so she'll appear in the episode) a bored Bradnon steals the stamps and swallows the. Despite the kids trying to stop him. Punky tries to trick Henry but he finds out the truth and blows his top. He calls Brandon a bad dog and yells at Punky to tak Brandon outside. A few minutes later, sounds of an accident and Punky screaming are outside. Henry goes out the door when Punky comes in and says Brandon was hit but a car, and he's not moving! The two race out as the scene ends.

VERDICT-Tough call but Happy Days does one thing the other doesn't, and that's spend time dicking around with the supporting characters. I get giving them scenes, but it also wastes time. On Punky there is more weight given when Henry yells at Brandon and sends them outside. Happy Days we dont even know Richie is riding (again that could be the edit I watched) and Lori Beth (or actress Lynda Godfried) doesn't hit that note of terror as well as Soleil Moon Frye did when she screams "he's not moving!". She does do a good job of showing how scared she is. I always loved how in both instances they left their loved one's in the street to get help rather than just screaming right there. I mean one was Chicago the other Milwaukee, could help have been hard to find?. But we needed that dramatic moment of the character running in. We also never find out what happened with the people they had the accident with. Granted Richie could have just hit anything but Punky clearly says Brandon was hit by a car! Was it a hit and run?


Round 3:Act 2

Happy Days-Cut to the hospital where we find out Richie is in a coma but the prognosis is not so great. Richie had a serious fall and only time will tell. He was wearing his helmet (though what exactly happened is never told). Fonzie enters and gets caught up on the prognosis. Later at the house the family has friends there waiting for any news. They are trying to stay optimistic and act like everything is fine, but it doesn't work. Howard tells everyone that they have to work through this and stay optimistic. Leather Tuscadero (Suzi Quatro) plays a song on the piano over clips. 

Punky-At the vet's office, Brandon is brought in and all Henry and Punky can do is wait. They meet a nice old lady named Mrs.Carney (Beah Richards) who has a very old dog who is receiving care. Punky explains that she was crossing a street when a car ran a red light, and Brandon pushed Punky out of the way. Punky blames herself for not having him on a leash. The doctor says Brandon has a broken leg and a concussion but isn't sure how he will be. Later they are still waiting when Mrs.Carney talks about her dog who is recovering. Henry is clearly feeling guilty since his yelling drove them out into the street. Punky tells him not to blame himself. 

VERDICT-Full disclosure, I saw that living room scene once and hated it. Not only was it filler but it was awful filler. No offense to the artist but the song is just so lame. And showing clips? C'mon. However watching it again it wasn't as bad as I thought. I liked the awkward way they try to act like everything is fine but can't. The little speech Howard gives is great. Saying accidents happen you just never think it will happen to you. And I know who Leather Tuscadero is which helps. The song and clips still bug me. I still like the scenes in Punky better, where Henry says he feels he's guilty and we learn more from Mrs.Carney. It's still filler but it feels more natural and, for lack of a better word, real. 


By the way of course the song is missing on streaming. Damn rights issues! 

Round 4:What about that B story?

Happy Days-None unless you count the talk at the opening about the engine before Richie comes in.

Punky-The closest we get is he dog house gag that gets paid off at the end.

VERDICT-It's a negative that after Cherie and Alan leave they're done for the episode and it's just Henry and Punky. We need a new character to fill out the plot. Points to Happy Days for not forgetting the other cast exists (even if that living room scene was forced). 

WINNER-Happy Days 

Round 5:That Big Scene

Happy Days-Back at the hospital where they are still waiting for some improvement. Then we get the scene I wanted to focus, where Fonzie gives a speech praying to God and even crying. It starts with him talking to Richie about how much he needs him, and how much life Richie still has to live, and then Fonzie turns to God and asks him to do him a favor as he breaks down. 

Punky-Mes.Carny finds out her dog is recovering, however Brandon is not so lucky. The doctor suggests he may have to put hm to sleep. Henry refuses but acquiesces and will talk to Punky about it. Punky is obviously upset but Henry convinces her that it's the best thing to do. So Punky goes to say goodbye to him. Punky assures Brandon he is going to a better place and she will always love him. But she won't give up when she tries to leave sand says he has a lot of dog things to do he just needs to wake up! 

VERDICT-I’ll be honest I was ready to give this to punky because I always remembered the scene and how good she is here. But then I watched the Happy Days scene. Soleil Moon Fry does everything in her power here to make this as sad as possible, and it does work. Easily one of that show's best moments. But damn Henry Winkler really nails it. I was surprised just how much he cried there, quite a performance. Both hit the same "you have a lot of living left to do" and "you're my best friend" notes but let's be honest that's more effective with Fonzie. I have often said Happy Days could be as stupid as it could be good, this was top 10 stuff here. 

WINNER-Happy Days

Round 6-The end

Happy Days- The next day when Howard and Marion arrive to find Fonzie, they tell him to go home but refuses. As they keep arguing with Fonzie to go home, Richie finally wakes up and says he's hungry. Great gag when Marion arguing with Fonzie tells Richie to hush before she realizes he’s awake. All is well and Fonie giving a thumbs up to god. 

Punky-Suddenly, Brandon wakes up and is fine. However, Mrs.Carney comes in crying because her dog died (we had been told he was doing fine). After consoling her, Punky asks how Brandon is ok but her's is not. Of course Henry can't answer that. 

Verdict-Both end with nods to god and the mysterious things he does. Happy Days of course is a little more direct. I do like the set up on Punky which could have been handled better on a different show, god allowed Brandon to live but not Mrs.Carney's. Why? Happy Days of course Fonzie says thanks in a nice moment, but the whole ending is also a little rushed. Richie barely says anything! Though asking about Lori Beth was nice. Seeing her get the call he was ok would have been nice too (course we never saw the parents first here or the accident either). Punky lets the scene play out and works better.  


Round 7:The Tag

Happy Days-Richie is home and getting back to normal, he decides he doesn't want the bike anymore and apologizes for the week he put his parents thru. They say that's what being parents is all about. 

Punky-Later Brandon is home, with a cast but fine, and Henry surprises them with a really nice doghouse. But Bradon chooses his favorite chair.

Verdict-Punky wasn't really a tag since the show didn't do tags. So Happy Days can win by default. I think seeing the others happy Richie was alive would have been nice but at least we get Lori Beth. 


Final Thoughts

While Fonzie gets the real dramatic moment he didn't take over the whole episode as he so often did. Howard and Marion get plenty of scenes (heck Fonzie isn't even in the tag). While Punky cries to Brandon to wake up, Fonzie literally goes to God which is daring for the show. I really thought Punky would win but at the end of the day, despite some silliness (and that lame montage), Happy Days still hit the dramatic moments better. This makes sense of course since Punky was aimed a small children, it could only go so sad. Happy Days really went as far as it could, and I gotta give credit where credit is due. Also doing to not only a main character but THE main character was gutsy. To me this was Happy Days at its prime, when the show was great and firing on all cylinders. After the awkward early days and before the craptastic final years. True this was after they “jumped the shark” but cmon it was only season 5!


This show was a top 10 hit for a reason and it’s fitting to celebrate it this year, which happens to be the 50th anniversary! 

And yes it’s also the 40th anniversary of Punky. Man, I’m old!!!!!!!

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